Quality is the key route to increasing market share.


Know How to Fight


Quality is the key route to increasing market share. Market leaders tend to share several key characteristics. They tend to have higher quality than their competitors. They compete on quality not price. They tend to benefit from unique proprietary rights such as copyrights, distinctive trademarks, patents, and trade secrets. These proprietary rights provide them with unique sources of quality. “Quality” amounts to no more than delivering those products and services customers most want. This type of quality is NOT the “conformance to the specifications” type of quality that most engineers focus on, but is instead conformance to customer wants of the type most marketers focus on. Your products and services needn’t be of particularly high quality, just superior to that of your competitors. Don’t buy market share with low prices. This is self-defeating and capital-intensive. The value of what you gain is eaten up by its cost of acquisition. Do better and do more than the customer expects and what your competition is offering. Be known as the best at your product or service so that people will see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. Compete with faithful Christian values and customers will follow. Think about creating tribes of like-minded prospects.


Matthew 5:41 “If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles.”


  1. How do the Scripture(s) apply to the business adage?

  2. How are Christians a market segment?

  3. Should you serve secular and Christian markets differently? If so, how?

  4. Are there Christian values that make a competitive differentiator?

  5. Is competing for market share a fight? Explain.

  6. How did Jesus compete for market share? What lessons do we learn from His efforts to win followers and create believers?

  7. Should you ever use Christian imagery in your advertising? Explain.


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Adages Worksheet 09
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