Honesty begets loyalty and respect.
Stand and Deliver
Honesty begets loyalty and respect. People can deal with bad news and respond to challenging circumstances when they are presented honestly and in a straightforward fashion. There are no laws, rules, or regulations worth breaking in the pursuit of success. The global economy is full of grey areas, ambiguous settings, and corrupt practices. You must possess a strong moral compass—and cultivate it in your people—in order to navigate this environment. Too often we see dishonesty and duplicity rewarded in the marketplace with monetary gain. But as Christian business leaders, we know our treasure is not of this earth. Honest leaders will compel employee loyalty and respect. Loving our neighbor as ourselves means being honest at all times. Honest people exhibit faith in God that He will ultimately work things out well when we are faithful to honor Him in all our relationships. Fulfill your promises no matter the cost. Trust God when you must be truthful, even when doing so appears destructive.
Ephesians 4:25 Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body.
Proverbs 11:3 (ESV) The integrity of the upright guides them, but the crookedness of the treacherous destroys them.
How do the Scripture(s) apply to the business adage?
Is there a difference between being honest and being transparent? If so, what is it?
Is honesty a competitive advantage? Explain.
Is honesty a competitive disadvantage? Explain.
Is there ever a situation where lying to your employees, customers, vendors, or partners is justified? If so, when?
What can we learn from the lie Abraham told about Sarah?
Download the free PDF worksheet for this adage, print it, and use it in your meeting, conference, or group.