Fairly distribute the wealth.


Greed Is Not Good



Fairly distribute the wealth. Reward the best with a larger share of the wealth. It is not fair to reward a slacker with the same cut of the pie as a superstar. It is okay to use subjective and arbitrary measurements. It is impossible to design a fair bonus system based entirely upon quantitative measurements. Acknowledge both group and individual contributions. Never reward or incent employees based upon market cap or enterprise value. Annual distributions of profit are too long a time frame. Quarterly distributions are the best and allow maximum flexibility for influencing and motivating employee behavior. Keep executive and managerial bonuses respectful and commensurate with the contributions made. Profit is the root of all evil when greed drives profit. On the other hand, in the hands of the righteous, profit feeds, clothes, shelters, and protects. Importantly, profit fuels the Great Commission by further enabling the Word to be heard and understood. Managing profit properly is one of the biggest challenges facing Christian enterprise leaders. Reward is commensurate with effort, commitment, and results in the age to come and should be reflected now by those seeking to imitate God.


Luke 19:17-19 “‘Well done, my good servant!’ his master replied. ‘Because you have been trustworthy in a very small matter, take charge of ten cities.’ The second came and said, ‘Sir, your mina has earned five more”. His master answered, ‘You take charge of five cities.”


  1. How do the Scripture(s) apply to the business adage?

  2. How do you express gratitude for the profit that God has blessed your company with?

  3. You risked your home to start the business, worked 80 hours a week for years, and now you’re finally making a decent profit. How should you distribute that profit?

  4. Should you reward the various levels of performance in your company’s top performers with more of the profit?

  5. How much of your profit should you contribute to charity? Explain.

  6. Would it be better to give money to employees to donate instead of or making corporate donations to charities? Why, or why not?


Download the free PDF worksheet for this adage, print it, and use it in your meeting, conference, or group.

Adages Worksheet 48
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